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refreshment room (車站、火車中的)餐室。

refreshment sunday

“ when we get to the railway station , “ he said , “ you will be able to get tea in the refreshment room . “等我們到達火車站的時候, ”他說, “您就可以在車站小吃部弄到茶喝了。 ”

It was only when they got to the station refreshment room that she thought of writing steiner of her movements 一直到了火車站的小吃部,她才想到要寫一封信通知斯泰內。

Centurial lotus sports center . 30 yuan each time , 2 hours . there is a refreshment room on the 2nd floor 蓮花體育中心游泳館。每場30元,兩個小時。二樓有茶座。

We hurried down to the platform and into the refreshment room . steve was nowhere to be seen 我們匆匆忙忙趕以月臺,又進入茶點室。史蒂夫的影子都不見。